“Changing Behavior for Executive Success”
Achieving positive, lasting change in leadership behavior.
Effective leadership is essential to high-performing businesses and organizations. Unfortunately, few companies are able to make the formal investment in leadership training and development that was common decades ago, and, at any rate, it is difficult to translate the benefits of broad programs to individual progress. Executive coaching is a more direct and effective approach, because it analyzes the needs of each individual and implements a strategy that is tailored for optimum benefit for that specific executive. People are very different, and they come to your organization with a wide range of skills and experiences. Helping them align their skills and development to the culture and needs of your business is probably the most important investment you will make. Rod can help you evaluate the needs of your leadership team and work with them both individually and as a team to align strategy, processes and behavior across your company.
You have some talented fast trackers in your organization – go-getters eager to get to the top. They like to be challenged and they’re looking for help to accelerate their professional development. If you don’t recognize and support them, you won’t get their full capabilities and you may risk losing them. Rod is particularly adept at evaluating emerging talent and designing tailored coaching strategies for each individual.
Individual behavior, especially at the leadership level, can have a big impact, positive or negative, on a company’s success. And unfortunately, we frequently discover that talented people in key roles may still have some behaviors that are counter-productive or even destructive to the intended company culture or to the collaborative relationships essential to a high-performing organization. Too often these behavioral discrepancies are ignored, usually because their bosses or peers assume “it’s just his personality” or “that’s just the way she is”. And equally often, we’re just uncomfortable giving negative feedback to someone or we want to avoid conflict. Rod knows how damaging it can be to leave these situations unresolved and he is skillful at working with these individuals in a caring, constructive manner.